Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Instant Blog Indexing In Google

Hey surfers!! are you looking for some special tips to make sure that your site is ready to be ranked well in a special keyword well, you are in the right place and in the right time get ready for Seo and start making money online!

In this post i will give you some special tips and tricks that will make sure that your blog is ready for keyword optimization.

1- Make sure your primary keyword is listed in the meta keywords and the meta tags.

2- Add your primary keyword in your blog title.

3. Be sure to double check that your keyword is listed in your blog description.

4. Try to use your primary keyword in your post title and your secondary keyword in your post.

5- Make sure to Bold your keywords at least once in your post this helps search engines to know that this keyword is important.

6. Add your keywords in your alt tags this helps alot!

Ever heard of IP Tracker ?

This is the tool you can use to check out the ip addresses of the sites where have you got links..
And if your sites are linked from more than two sites with same ip addresses ..the rest of your links after that will not get any benefit.. or in simple words they will be worth less in the field of your sites SEO future.